Anna Biczók

Precedents to a Potential Future

2400 HUF / student: 1900 HUF
Trafó Passes are accepted

In Hungarian

'There is a woman sitting at a desk, talking about a performance we are supposed to see. Evolving a story including a story that includes a story: Precedents to a Potential Future by Anna Biczók is a surreal, wriggling play with plot and fable, where consistency gets replaced by contingency, and the different layers of time get helplessly entangled. As logic slowly suspends in the solo, possibility and reality, virtuality and actuality get mixed. In the end, you get lost in the forest of fiction.

In this lecture performance of Biczók we can observe how perception and cognition can slip on each other and how deeply kinetic our thinking can be. Probably that is what the young choreographer is particularly interested in: the kinetic side of stories, concepts, personalities and correspondences. Biczók usually participates in artistic projects where the performances are shaped by a creative team. She has worked with the most progressive Hungarian companies and choreographers such as Hodworks, Timothy and the Things, Viktor Szeri, bodylotion co-dance and has attended many international festivals. In 2017 she also participated in dunaPart.' Zsuzsanna Komjáthy, curator

directed & performed by Anna Biczók
music: Vince Varga
costume: Emese Kasza (MEI KAWA) 
lights and technical care: Kata Dézsi

Reviews: "Biczók takes the role of narrator – guiding us through a story of experience, first from her eyes, then from the eyes of the audience watching her watching us, then through the eyes of her mother watching her as we watch them both. It sounds more confused that it is, and thats on me and my lexicon. But Biczók has a commanding charge of the space around her – with robotic, almost violent at times, movement and expression. It makes me, and I suspect a few others in the audience, want to get up on stage and see it all from her side. But I guess that’s the point.” Ed King, “Different layers intersect each other. One story permeates and summons the other, just as one movement usually evokes the next one. A singular play of virtual and actual dimensions evolves, where potentials and real accomplishments accumulate and slither onto each other. As the show keeps playing with these ideas, narrative logic becomes instable; yet the belief in the world of contingent and coexistent shifting becomes stronger. This also opens up the possibility to subvert the usual linear and successive sense of time. In fact, ‘Precedents to a Potential Future’ denies reinforcing the honored position of the present. Moreover, present is postponed, a putative promise that may never come. Only the future and the past are circulating in an unpredictable order, in which time is choreographed as a movement.” Zsuzsanna Komjáthy,

"Tulajdonképpen felszabadultam ettől az új feladattól, hogy verbálisan átadhatom, hogy mi történik egy adott táncosban a táncélmény által."

"Személyes benyomások, képzelet és emlékezet járnak táncot a színházi térben tapasztalható fizikális élménnyel. Mi az, ami a térben jelen van, de nem látható? Hogyan válhat a táncoló test személyes tartalma érzékelhetővé?"

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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