Melykó Richárd

Mass Orbit

3600 HUF
2700 HUF - student, teacher, retired
Trafó passes are accepted
mass shepherd ballast

The lecture performance Mass Orbit explores the willingness of the crowd and its fragments in the interpretation of a speculative language. The performer, representing his own power, abstracts his obligations towards the spectators. Social meanings are analysed in a performative space, such as arrangement, fusion or leadership.
Richárd Melykó (1994) graduated in Intermedia at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2022. He continued his studies at the Freeszfe Society in Theatre and Performance.

In 2018, he participated in the Transart Communication - TAC30 performance festival (Sturovo; Bratislava). He is a member of the audiovisual performance group EM90 (Barnabás Bácsi, Rozina Pátkai, Dániel Németh, Áron Tihanyi), founded in 2017. Since 2020, he has been working with Haibo Illés as a visual art and performance duo, the primary collaboration in terms of his artistic activity: in 2021, they participated in the IIIInternational Forum of Performance Art, and in the same year, they presented their audio-drama about the adoption law, entitled Lasting Love Community, on Tilos Radio. Also in 2021, they won FUGA’s Post-Stadium-Stage idea competition. In 2022, they presented their performance titled ‘DramaticHighlights’ as part of the Liberty EU international collaboration. In 2022, they presented their3-hour installation art performance ‘Binary Roadway’ at the Trafó Gallery as part of the ‘Support Structures’ event series. In 2023, they presented their performance ‘Still Playback’ at the 4th NEXTFEST at Trafó Budapest. This year, they were selected to participate in the residency programme of the BazaarPerformance and Dance Festival in Prague. 

Richárd Melykó operates primarily with the conceptual as well as the suggestive possibilities of performance, recently experimenting with this in the form of lecture performance, essay-performance and performance-installation.
Concept, performed by: Richárd Melykó
Set and animation: Haibo Illés
Mentors: Ádám Czirák, Tamara Zsófia Vadas
Sound consultant: Dávid Somló
Co-producer: Freeszfe Association

Special thanks: Adrienn Hód, László Hudi, Zája Melykó, Zsuzsa Berecz, Sarah de
Günther, Péter Mendel, Luca Kovács, Ildikó Lanstyák, Eszter Éva Andrádi, Orsolya
Fodor, Csongor Tóth-Lederhaas
Our ticket office is closed until 22 August.:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Until September 2024 Trafó Gallery is closed for a summer break.
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  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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