Black Dog
Thinking without prejudice, the legitimacy of human decisions, destructive forces, the aggression and violence hiding in everyone, the center of which is the omen that is the "Black Dog" that can appear anywhere, advertising with its presence in variable qualities what we call fate, destiny or, by combining both of these, the result of human decisions. Physical/dance theatre performance by C.iC - CompagnieinterContemporain.
Laura Fehér
Dóra Asztalos
Brigitta Hortobágyi
Luca Stohl
Áron Darabont
Gusztáv Eller
Dánielű Krizsán
Composer: Bálint Bolcsó
Lights: Áron Kovács
Visuals: Márk Lakatos
Mentor: László Velekei
Production assistant: Genovéva Petrovits
Choreographed by: Anna Gulyás
Urgent Need to Breathe
This interdisciplinary piece was inspired by diving, inviting the audience into a space where movement, interactive technology, visual experience and sound build a sensitive world which seems fluid. The Ziggurat Project focuses on space-conscious and interdisciplinary works created from the combination of contemporary dance and other forms.
Performers: Ádám Bot, Emese Kovács, Alexandra Mireková (SK), Barbara Rusnáková (SK)
Visual and interactive design: Michal Mitro and Luboš Zbranek (The Manifesto, CZ)
Music: Ádám Márton Horváth
Mentor: Eszter Gál
Choroegraphed by: Flóra Eszter Sarlós
PR: Brigitta Kovács
Thinking without prejudice, the legitimacy of human decisions, destructive forces, the aggression and violence hiding in everyone, the center of which is the omen that is the "Black Dog" that can appear anywhere, advertising with its presence in variable qualities what we call fate, destiny or, by combining both of these, the result of human decisions. Physical/dance theatre performance by C.iC - CompagnieinterContemporain.
Laura Fehér
Dóra Asztalos
Brigitta Hortobágyi
Luca Stohl
Áron Darabont
Gusztáv Eller
Dánielű Krizsán
Composer: Bálint Bolcsó
Lights: Áron Kovács
Visuals: Márk Lakatos
Mentor: László Velekei
Production assistant: Genovéva Petrovits
Choreographed by: Anna Gulyás
Urgent Need to Breathe
This interdisciplinary piece was inspired by diving, inviting the audience into a space where movement, interactive technology, visual experience and sound build a sensitive world which seems fluid. The Ziggurat Project focuses on space-conscious and interdisciplinary works created from the combination of contemporary dance and other forms.
Performers: Ádám Bot, Emese Kovács, Alexandra Mireková (SK), Barbara Rusnáková (SK)
Visual and interactive design: Michal Mitro and Luboš Zbranek (The Manifesto, CZ)
Music: Ádám Márton Horváth
Mentor: Eszter Gál
Choroegraphed by: Flóra Eszter Sarlós
PR: Brigitta Kovács