
Ág se húzza video clip premier

A vetítés ingyenes, a részvételi szándékod itt jelezd
We have several songs with relatively clear stories, from which some conclusion can be drawn. 'Ág se húzza', Maluridé's third hungarian song, however, consists more of impressionistic images than story-telling. Behind Julcsi's lyrics, the internal struggles and games we engage in ourselves emerge, revealing how far we are willing to go with certain thoughts and how these internal moving forces push and pull us. The repeated lines in the refrain express: 'Nézd hogy fújja, az ág se húzza.'

The video for the song, directed by Andie Szatmári, depicts the fluctuation between past and present, with the dancers' improvisational and minimalist choreography, assembled on the set of the video shoot, illustrating the emotions hidden behind the most poetic images of the lyrics.

An interesting aspect of the video is that it was shot using VHS and digital cameras by Zoltán Farkas and Gábor Szűcs. Andie, the director awarded for the Best Film at the 48 Hour Film Project Eindhoven, and editor Katalin Turi-Kováts, brought the shots to life.
Director - Andie Szatmári
Cinematographer - Zoltán Farkas
Cinematographer - Gábor Szűcs
Production Designer - Marcell Baranyi
Set Design - Virág Zazie Farkas
Editor - Katalin Turi-Kováts
Manager, Production Supervisor - Lilla Turjányi
Digitalization - Tamás Nagyfi

Júlia Viszkeleti – vocals
Virág Zazie Farkas – keyboards, vocals
Milán Hodován – producer, keyboards

András Engelmann
Julien Klopfenstein
Tímea Laza
Noémi Kata Pataki
Sándor Petrovics

WERK Photographer
Misi Palotai, Imre Kővágó-Nagy

Set Builder - Janka Kovács
Set Builder - Ivett Szatmári

From 2022 the members of Maluridé (Júlia Viszkeleti - vocals, Virág Zazie Farkas - keyboards, vocals, Milán Hodován - producer, keyboards) are creating together. They have set a goal to break down the boundaries of genre classification. They graduated from the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, and although classical music plays an important role in all of their lives, they started shaping their own musical style during their studies. They blend an alternative, and also an electronic sound world with the dream-pop genre, using their instrumentation and 3-4-part vocal harmonies. However, the dynamic development of their songs still stems from naturalness.
ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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