Roland Rába / Proton Theatre: UTOLSÓ

2800 HUF / Student: 2200 HUF
General Season Pass is valid
Twin Pass is valid

An idyllic shopping center. Paradise on Earth, just like the way it was meant to be. One day, a virus of unknown origin surfaces, creating panic. The area is quarantined. The people stuck inside prepare for survival. Their needs and instincts take over. The virus continues to spread. Who's infected and who isn't?

Performers BAKSA Imre, BÁNKI Gergely, FICZERE Béla, HERCZEG Tamás, MÁZLÓ Tímea, SZÉKELY Rozi, TÓTH Orsi valamint ADÁNYI Alex, FÖLDESI Ágnes, SINKÓ Réka/CSIKÁSZ Ágnes
Set: MENCZEL Róbert
Costumes: OLÁH Tímea
Dramaturge: BÜKI Dóra
Music manager: PUSKÁS Péter
Stuntman: GYÖNGYÖSI Tamás
Assistant director: KISS Ágota
Directed by: RÁBA Roland
Producer: BÜKI Dóra
Production assistant: CSATÓ Zsófia
Technical director, light: ÉLTETŐ András
Sound: BELÉNYESI Zoltán
Props: NAGY Gergely

Stage manager: CSUNDERLIK Péter
Co-producer: Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza
Special thanks: Kanalas Dániel, Kisari Zalán, Szőke Richard, Szabó Ila
ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.