1500 Ft / diák: 1200 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is valid!)
In the frame of 'dunaPart'-Contemporary Hungarian Performing Art Platform
Those who have registered on the website of the platform, www.dunapart.net, can watch the performances with their passes in Trafó free of charge (except Company Pál Frenák).
Péter Kovács Gerzson is one of the emblematic figures of the Hungarian dance scene with a background in both contemporary and folk dance. He created TranzDanz, a company without a company, and invites different dancers for each project. For Banquett, he has invited talented young dancers to question and criticize the mediocrity experienced in everyday life. His approach to dance is always highly critical and intellectual, but with an unmistakable sense of humour and self-reflection.
Choreography, Direction, Visual Design: Kovács Gerzson Péter
Kántor Kata, Venekei Marianna, Gera Anita, Kun Attila, Kocsis László Szúnyog, ifj. Zsuráfszky Zoltán
Music: DJ Palotai (on stage)
Costume: Szűcs Edit
Technical director: Payer Ferenc
Supported by:
Fővárosi Önkormányzat Színházi Alap, Magyar Állami Népi Együttes, Kulturmata