1800 Ft / Student: 1200 Ft / Trafó Season Ticket is valid!
May is the month of Hungarian dance premiers in Trafó!
Two choreographers: Krisztián Gergye and Gerzson Péter Kovács will present their new productions one after the other.
If you buy tickets for the two performances, you will get them for 1400 Ft each.
Gergye Krisztián’s name is well-known by people interested in contemporary dance. He has been working as a dancer for more then ten years, choreographing and directing since 2001. He often collaborates with contemporary opera singer, Agens and gives his contribution to dance concerts, contemporary dance operas, dramatic and opera pieces. He takes inspiration mostly from the immaterial and spiritual dimension of life. In this piece he tries to translate this mood we call ’melancholy’ to the language of dance.
Blaskó Borbála, Gresó Nikoletta, Négyesi Móni, Virág Melinda, Domokos Flóra, Bora Gábor, Szabó Gábor, Téri Gáspár, Major László, Gergye Krisztián
Music editor: Philipp György
Singers: Szakács Ildikó and Philipp György
Music: Mozart, Verdi, Fauré, Brahms, Bach, Purcell, Part, népi Kaddis, Zombola, Jeney, Schnittke, Mahler, De Falla, Josquin
Performer, puppet artist: Tárnok Marica
Costume: Béres Móni
Make-up, mask, Body-painting: Károlyi Balázs
Sound: Pálinkás Márton
Light: Fogarasi Zoltán
Production assistant: Trifonov Dóra
Dramaturg: Miklós Melánia
Director, choreographer, visual: Gergye Krisztián
With the support of:
FLÓRIÁN MŰHELY – Mozgó Ház Alapítvány, Közép-Európa Táncszínház, Citysound Hangstúdió és Produkciós Iroda